Today has gone well :) We are almost done with Math and will be moving on to spelling in a minute. Then I think I will either have him go pick out a book to read together, or he can work in his AWANA book again. And then we have a quiz in Language Skills, and History and Art today which well read about another type of ship and write notes on an index card about it and he traces a copy of it out of the book.
It's raining outside, so we wont be working out in the yard this afternoon, but with AWANA tonight, that's prolly a good thing cause I tend to get out there and get sucked into the "zone!" This Saturday, however, is supposed to be pretty nice, so I can get stuck out there all I want! This is our last regular night of AWANA for the year, it starts again in September. Next Wednesday is awards night and then on May 3rd we have the "AWANA Fair!" That should be fun, the kids are really looking forward to it!
Saturday Jason and I have our 4th Date of our "Ten Great Dates." It's a "class" through church that involves us reading a book together and then meeting once a week at the church for a quick video segment and then we get a few hours to actually go out on a date and discuss questions that we answered alone about the chapter that we read that week. So far it has been pretty good. The first one was really fun because it was all about remembering how we met and fell in love!! :) So far having this time together a few times a week to read our book together and then go out on our date, which has involved ice cream a few times, has really been great. It's a great book, and even if you don't have a group to do it with I highly recommend you try it and don't cop out after the first few dates. It will be worth it, trust me ;). It's a great reason to spend some time with each other and it has really encouraged us to talk more, which with four kiddos is really hard to remember to do!
So, Tata for now! Off to the rest of my busy week!
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