Friday, April 25, 2008

The last two days have been Busy!!

So, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday! Is it bad that that made me a little sad? But I decided to post a few times today to make up for it! Yesterday was a long day, we began by cramming in a days worth of school in 4 hours, which technically is all it's supposed to take, but usually it takes us closer to 6.... And then we meet my friend Kristy in Blaine to check out the "Blaine HomeConnection." It has turned out to be a really cool program, which I listed several of the classes in an earlier post. Any-who, there is a waiting list though, so we may not get in in the Fall, but we were comforted and told by one of the Mom's that "you'll get in, don't worry about it," so needless-to-say, it'll happen when it happens :) After that, Cayleb, Sarah Rose and I burned some time at the library then went and picked up the other kids at school then ran home to put chicks away cause it started to get really cold while Cayleb and I were in town and the chicks were out "sunning" in their play pen :) After that, we went to B'Ham and saw Sarah Rose's Dr., had some prescriptions filled (Charity Ann ended up having an ear infection.... yes, the appt. was for Sarah Rose, not Charity Ann..... ) Then ran over to the pet store to get goldfish for "Beaker" and "Oscar the Grouch" then, went to Lowes (with all four kids, mind you) to fetch a swing-glider thingy for Jason's Mom and Dad :) Then went home and passed out on the couch.... no, just kidding..... went home and made dinner, got kids to clean rooms, brush teeth, get into bed and then..... collapsed on the couch :) So, Today..... got kids off to school, did 1 hour or so of school with Cayleb, dropped off girls at neighbors, took my truck into the dealership to have a recall part replaced, got home, had lunch, finished school, went swimming for a few hours with Kristy and her very cute girls! Then came home, made some Mac 'n Cheese for the kiddos and.... well, still on the Mac 'n Cheese so..... Phew, I am exhausted just typing about it! Anyways, I hope that tomorrow is nice (today turned out very lovely) so that we can work out in the yard, then we have our 4th Date of our "10 Great Dates" Saturday evening! I think that next week will be a bit calmer, I hope :) But I still want to try to go swimming with Kristy and her girls again :P
Tonight, I want to feed the kids, pop in a movie for movie night then send them off to bed when it's over, that way I can Veggitate in on my bed and relax before I have to Konk out. A bowl of Ice Cream would be nice too! I'm thinking Some Cookies N' Dreams would be nice about them, with some chocolate sauce gently drizzled over the top, Mmmmmm.....
That'l do donkey, that'l do :P!!

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