Friday, April 25, 2008

Konos Schedule

I have been working today, as I was waiting for my Truck to get it's recall part taken care of at our local dealership, on a very basic list of the units that I'd like to do with the kids next year and the year following. This wasn't the easiest and I consider it very preliminary because I actually don't have my Curriculum yet, just a few print outs of the Units that are included and Spritibee's Konos Schedule for 2006-2008!! So that being said, here's my tentatively tentative Konos Unit Schedule for 2008-2009 as well as 2009-2010!

2008-2009 Konos Unit Study Schedule
Sept. '08- Ears, Sound, Music (Attentiveness, Vol. I)
Oct. '08- Eyes, Seeing, Other Senses, Predator & Prey (Attentiveness, Vol. I)
Nov. '08- Frontiersmen, Tracking & Trapping, Indians (Attentiveness, Vol. I)
Dec. '08- Christmas (Love/Generosity, Vol. II)
Jan. '09- Calendars, Seasons, Sequencing, Counting (Orderliness, Vol. I)
Feb. '09- Measuring (Orderliness, Vol. I); Valentines Day (Love/Generosity, Vol. II); Planets, Moons (Orderliness, Vol I)
March '09- Human Birth, Growth, Animal Birth, Growth (Patience, Vol. I)
April '09- Easter (Love/Generosity, Vol II); Plant Growth, Gardening (Patience, Vol.I); Earth Day!
May '09- Plant Growth, Gardening Cont. (Patience, Vol I); Family, Friends, Marriage (Loyality, Vol. II)
June '09- Nutrition, Exercise, Rest, Fun (Stewardship, Vol. I)

2009-2010 Konos Unit Study Schedule
Sept. '09- Weather, Earth, Explorers (Inquisitiveness, Vol. II)
Oct. '09- Navigation (Inquisitiveness, Vol. II); Body Systems (Cooperation, Vol. III)
Nov. '09- Colonial America (Responsibility, Vol. II); Grain, Bread, Yeast (Patience, Vol. I)
Dec. '09- Country, Culture of Norway (Honor, Vol. I); Christmas of Norway (Love, Vol. II)
Jan. '10- Olympics, Physical Skills (Determination, Vol. III); Authority, Light (Obedience, Vol. I)
Feb. '10- States and Regions (Cooperation, Vol. III) Valentines Day (Love/Generosity, Vol. II)
March '10- States and Regions Cont. (Cooperation, Vol. III)
April '10- Ecology, Conservation (Stewardship, Vol. I); Easter (Love, Vol. II);Plant Classification (Orderliness, Vol. I)
May '10- Plant Growth and Gardening (Patience, Vol. I); Rock Classification (Orderliness, Vol. I)
June '10- Bees (Cooperation, Vol. III)

So, that's it! I can't wait to start!
And we toured the Blaine Home Connection Site yesterday and found out all kinds of interesting info about how that program works! The kids can take classes like: Rocks, Fossils and More; Knitting; Composers and More; Hands on Math; Martial Arts; Ballet; Running; Guitar; Map Studies; Ancients Celts; Swimming and Photography! They all look like so much fun!

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