Friday, August 27, 2010

Super Dill Dill Beans

Mmmmm, Do you enjoy the crunch of a good Dill Pickle?? How about Green Beans? Do you think that maybe they sound a bit strange sharing the company of the Classic Dill Pickle? We were a bit hesitant when we began this process last year. D.H. and I approached the idea of Dilled Green Beans with curiousness as well as a small pinch of doubt. Would this be a thing our family would really enjoy? Or maybe just an okay way to use up part of a bountiful harvest of green beans?? Last year we canned 34 Pint jars of Dill Beans and by Spring were literally rationing them so that we would have 3 jars left to share with visiting family for the 4th of July! 

Green bean season this year has started off decent and I decided to can considerably less of our "Savory Beans" and WAYYY more Dill Beans, with a few alterations to the recipe to cater to our families tasties! I've changed the name up to "Super Dill Dill Beans" because we are adding a kick of hotness that last years beans lacked. I will make notes in the recipe because I am still going to can some jars of last years recipe for the younger taste buds in the family that are note quite ready to be singed by flaming hotness

Clark Family "Super Dill Dill Beans"

You'll need (per. batch):
4 lbs green beans (2 lbs for pints and last years recipe aka:"lyr")
4 fancy "hot" peppers, we are experimenting with some recommendations that we aquired at the Farmers Market that were sold to me as "Hot" Peppers... (No peppers for lyr in pints.)
2 t. red pepper (1 t. red pepper for lyr in pints)
12 cloves garlic (6 cloves garlic for lyr in pints)
4 large heads of dill (same)
5 cups white vinegar (2 1/2 c vinegar)
5 cups water (2 1/2 c water)
1/2 cup pickling salt (1/4 cup pickling salt)
Alum, pinch pr. jar no matter which size

1. Wash and stem beans
2. cut into lengths for jars. I am canning them in wide mouth quarts this year, instead of wide mouth pints....
3. pack beans into sterilized jars
4. to each jar add: 1/2 t. red pepper, 3 cloves garlic, 1 head dill, add a pinch of alum to each jar to aid in crispness :P  and 1 of your fancy Hot Peppers!(1/4 t. Red pepper, 1 1/2 cloves garlic, 1 head dill, no extra pepper for last years recipe done in pint jars)
5. Measure vinegar, water and salt and bring to a boil
6. pour over beans to 1/2 inch head space
7. process for 15 minutes for Quarts, (7 minutes for Pints)

If you need help with learning how to "can" your Beans, comment below or see my "Strawberry Preserves" recipe for step by step basic water bath canning instructions. I will try to get into pressure canning later on as well. But for now, you just need to know how to water bath can. 

Lastly- I need to let you all know that it has been a HUGE stretch for me actually writing my "changes" down. I am NOT a recipe follower, but know that people should be able to "do" what I do to make something that they like.... I am definitely a "ratatouille" style chef-ess.... (I stole that from a friend of mine because it fit so PERFECTLY, and I love that movie!!) I like to fly by the seat of my pants, am not afraid of trying something new....on the spot, and my family is quite accustomed to being known as my guinea pigs!! I do, however differ from Tami, because I like to keep a sink of hot soapy water going to throw dirty dishes into as I go.... I HATE eating a delish meal and then having to get up and spend an hour "working" for what I just ate by cleaning a dirty kitchen. I like to get a majority of my clean up done before I eat :P Happy Canning All!! :D

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