Friday, August 13, 2010

Cake Continued....

 Right after I put the last layer on....

Now, this cake is not for the faint of heart, or any one who is watching calories for sure!!

You should now have a spring form pan with your brownie crust and a tub of Ice cream in the freezer.....

Pull out your tub of ice cream, after it has ripened, and scoop about 10-12 scoops (not huge) better to do smaller scoops onto your crust. If your ice cream is pretty hard, let it sit for a few minutes so that you can work it smoothly over entire crust. You don't want to crush your crust. Once you get it smoothed over the crust, cover pan with foil and put in freezer careful to keep it flat. Let freeze over night.

Now, pull out your jar of caramel sauce that you made from the previous recipe, you can use either one... but if you are like me, the chocolate one is about gone because I have been USING it and choose to save the regular one!! :)  Put your jar in a sauce pan full of warm water, and turn a small burner on low heat and gently warm your sauce. It will take about 15-20 minutes, you don't need to baby it, just don't heat too fast. Pick it up every now and then to see if it has softened so that it will pour out of jar onto your ice cream. When it has, remove it from heat and pull out cake from freezer. Carefully pour caramel (about 2 cups worth) over ice cream layer. Try to cover as much of the ice cream as you can just by pouring evenly around, when the sauce hits the ice cream, it doesn't take long for the sauce to re-harden, and it's kind of hard to move it around once is has cooled back off and the ice cream is all mushy! As soon as you get is spread over ice cream, cover and put immediately back into freezer until caramel and ice cream are hardened back up.

Lastly you'll need to make your fudgy sauce for the topping layer..... This recipe I stole and adapted to my needs from a DELICIOUS Peanut Butter Luster Pie that I used to make for hubby and his Dad for Fathers day, back before we had peanut butter allergies and diabetes in the family....

Fudgy Topping for Ice Cream Pie
You'll need:

2 Cups Semisweet chocolate chips
4 Tbs. butter
3-4 Tbs. milk
2 Tbs. Corn Syrup

1. Melt all ingredients in sauce pan over low, stirring until smooth. Start with minimun amount of milk and add more milk if necessary to reach good spreading consistency. Let cool for a few minutes.
2. Pull out frozen cake and pour fudge over top, spreading with frosting spatula makes it a little easier. Should glide over caramel easily, though. 
3. Immedialty re-freeze and let freeze for an hour or two.

To eat your cake!!

Take out of freezer, remove Spring form side, and let sit for a few minutes to thaw just enough to slice cake. Slice, serve and enjoy!!
I'll put up a slice piece when we slice into it!!

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