I recently received a Gadget that was supposed to be a “tax calculator” for Barak Obama….. It said I would be getting a check if I voted him into office. I ran through their little calculator and was amazed at their supposed figures. Hmm, let’s see. Our country is in the biggest financial downfall since the great depression, our national debt is higher than it has ever been and they want to bribe me with money that could be paying down our countries debt. I understand the concept of incentive checks and stimulating the economy with it, but, hey it didn’t work last time, are we really going to throw away more of our countries money so that people can go pamper themselves again?? How about passing out checks to families willing to pay down their accrued debt instead of flaunting it in peoples faces as they go out and buy a new “toy.” Sarcasm ahead-Lets make the people actually trying to stay out of debt feel even worse about telling their kids that they can’t afford extracurricular activities yet again because they are trying to stay financially wise and not go screw up their credit score! So, here we are trying to be good stewards of our money and other peoples kids are bragging about going to the mall and having a shopping spree for those new trendy clothes, or that hot new electronic game! Instead of stimulating the economy, our country is bound and determined to push people into more and more debt. Lets take out another loan against our house, it’s okay, the government will bail us out if we can’t make the payments! Sure we don’t even make $4000 a month to cover that new higher interest only loan payment, but we can just skate along until it hits us and then bail and leave mortgage companies to foot the bill. Better yet, how about not helping those mortgage companies that are failing right now because they encouraged Joe Shmoe to take that “new and improved, top-notch, best in the business loan!” Let’s let them figure out how to pay for that house, the one that they encouraged those unsuspecting, clue-less mortgage patrons to buy that was WAY out of their price range!
Sure, this guy is full of hope and he’s making all these claims that he’s just going to re-allocate government funds, and that the country won’t be going into more debt to do this whole stimulus/rebate check thingy. But even the blindest person, has to admit, that if there is debt, even a re-allocation of funds, isn’t a good excuse to go buy that new car. Wake up people! There is a difference between need and want. I NEED groceries, but I don’t need that new toy just because I want it. What happened to saving these fun purchases for holidays and rainy days! Why is it that our nation is so impatient, that they can’t even wait for Christmas anymore!? We need to STOP! DROP! and ROLL!! We are on fire here and if we don’t start paying some of our money for attention, we are going to BURN! This country has ADHD!!
Signing off,
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