Monday, September 1, 2008

My parents house was spared.

There was a Fire near my parents home today. I received a phone call from my Mom as she tried to prioritize what she should take with her. It was really scary trying to think of what to tell her to take.... They were evacuated a safe distance away but my Dad and Tesha's fiance stayed behind to try to get the house as ready as possible to survive the flames. Both my grandparents and parents live on the in the same houses that I grew up in and near. A lot of emotions flooded over me thinking of the possibility that they would loose everything. I can't imagine how it must have felt actually being there. I wanted so bad to be there to help and hold and comfort them. All I could do was hang on to their words over the phone and try my best to tell them what they needed to hear. I began e-mailing, calling and posting everywhere I could for people to pray for them and their homes and for the brave firefighters that were trying to save it all. That was what I could do to busy myself. I think that I contacted half of Washington state for prayer! Flames burned completely around my grandparents house, burning through the underbrush of their orchards and eucalyptus trees; and it burned almost completely around my parents house. There really was no reason that my grandparents house is still standing. The eucalyptus grove of about 5 acres is dry and full of oily leaves..... But it was spared. I give all that credit to God, because he is Awesome. There are terrible things in this world but we have to try to find the grace within. To try to see God's hand at work, even in the most devastating of circumstances. Thankfully their homes were both spared. Others haven't been so lucky and the fire is still moving east fanned my dry September winds. I keep praying that others will be spared as well and that firefighters will have the wisdom, strength and ability to put this fire out. Please pray if you read this. Thank you.

Blessed by His grace,

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I really am so thankful that everything turned out ok for them. Faith does work miracles and you proved it :).

I love the song on your page!