Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yeah! I see an end!!

I am so happy! This week has been going fairly well considering it has been Assessment week. Cayleb has been working, mostly, very hard on getting his Semester Assessments done for school, and after that we are done!! The only subject that we will be working on after tomorrow is Spelling because there is really no way to work ahead in that one, he really needs 4-5 days to work on each set of words (usually between 23-25 words.) He took his Science Assessment a while ago so that we could work on his Science experiment on Geotropism which he is still finishing up. He finished his Language Skills Assessments (2 parts) yesterday, finished the Literature assessment today and we have the review and assessment for Math tomorrow. History he Finished a while ago as well, as his presentation on Tall Ships of the World was considered his assessment. And Art has been incorperated into our Science lately because he is doing lots of decorating on his Science presentation. He has been having lots of fun with that lately. I decided to have him "Note Book" his results so he's doing a different page for each day that he had an entry, as well as a few other pages describing what his project was about etc.

I am also happy this week because I finally went to see a Chiropractor. First time I have ever seen a Chiropractor, just as a note. It went well, and I am hoping that we will be able to resolve my problems regarding that over the next few weeks. I'm going back on Saturday, and then she wants me to come in twice next week as well. My symptoms, you may be wondering, are waking up to my arm feeling like it is ON FIRE and FROZEN IN A BLOCK OF ICE at the same time. Yeah, your telling me, what a strange feeling that is. My guess was that it is a pinched nerve of some kind, and it's been going on off and on for about 5-6 years. It never really got bad enough for long enough to make me want to go in and see someone about it.... I consider myself to have a pretty high threshold for pain, so I think that some people would have gone in long ago about it, but I hate Dr. Appt.'s! Last night was better, but not good. So, I am telling myself that nothing can happen instantly, and it's been getting worse for 6 years, I can't expect it to get better in one trip to a chiropractor! So, I'll keep going. At least this way is a natural way to deal with the problem, I am not being "treated" with a prescription for Ibprofin or something, it's actually going to deal with the cause, the root persay, instead of trying to mask something. Anyway, I am too young to feel this dang old! Hehe.... yes, the Garth Brooks Song is now rolling through my head! Won't my friend April be proud of me!

Ahh my Konos is supposed to be here tomorrow!! I can't wait!! I created a database with my Konos Schedule for next year and put in on our Yahoo group. Birch Bay Konos Krusaders
Yeah, I know, I am a nut because I've already created a "schedule" for a Curriculum that I don't even have yet for the next 2 years!!

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