Tomorrow we also have our Beach Exploration Day that I set up with Cayleb's home school group. I am supposed to be putting together a scavenger hunt for the kids to do as teams. I need to put that together still.... We have also a lot of shopping to do yet, Jason has so wonderfully volunteered to go do that for me in the morning.
I haven't gotten my Konos in yet, hoping it will come either tomorrow, or wait until Tuesday and not come while we are away. I also got the Kids enrolled in a few classes at the Blaine Home Connection for next year. So far I signed them up for "Farming with Friends" for all three, and Noah and Charity Ann are going to take a "Hands on Math" class, and Cayleb is going to take an "Origami Math" class. I also would like to sign Noah up for Piano lessons, as we can use our stipend funds to pay for that because it is considered a "Private Lesson."
Well, I need to go for now, I have to get moving or we aren't going to be ready to go by tomorrow night.....
I like the music on your blog. In my experience, family camping is way up there on the list of things that will encourage family togetherness and communication, and even repair damaged family relationships. We hadn't gone camping in 3 years, but after our most recent trip, I really want to commit to going atleast every 6 months. It is SOOOO healthy for your family. I remember once, a long time ago, I heard a marriage seminar that said the same thing - about the bonding and even healing power of a family camping trip.
Yes, it does have healing powers :) We have always loved going camping, we went before we were married with our own families, and have continued to go after until recently. I am sad thinking that it had been so long since we had been..... But now that we have gotten back into the routine, I hope that we will go at least a few more times this summer! And the cool thing is that we can go right here on our property if we want to.... we have 13 acres of heavily forested land and the kids LOVE hiking to the "back of the property" where we have a steam that we are hoping to gain access to soon. Right now it is covered by 2 huge trees that fell tis last winter and lots of underbrush.... so here's hoping!
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