A walk with Christ through the garden; where my weakness allows His strength to shine through.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What is Honoring?
I came across an old book the other day, well actually it was a while back. It was an old devotional book that a friend of mine had. I love old books and felt that perhaps this old book had something to say to me regarding things that I had been pondering. The first page that I turned to, the page that was for the date of that day was very interesting. I loved what it had to say. It was straight forward, to the point and didn't call crap anything but what it truly was. Basically it said that as Christians we are called to live our lives to certain standards. And that as long as we are doing what Christ is asking us to do, our lives will never dishonor him. No matter where He leads us or what He asks us to do, it may seem silly to us, or scary, or in some cases wrong, it will never dishonor Him when we come back and look at it hindsight. Jesus, Christ, will always be cast in a beautiful glow of light. If the light our lives is casting is not so beautiful, or maybe as bright as we think it could be, it's because we may not be listening correctly to what He is asking us to do. Or, perhaps, it's the people that we choose to fellowship with. Friends and family can be making bad choices in their lives as well. Choices that reflect back on us because of our connections, choices that cast drab color or shadows upon our own lives and lights. If these friends or family are "Christians" being born again through Christ, they are supposed to be held accountable to the exact standards that we hold ourselves to. If they are not believers, the case is completely different. But if they are believers, sometimes Christ asks us to release them from our lives and let Satan have them for a while. They have a lesson to learn that we cannot teach them, or in their current state of mind are unable to understand. They need Christ to work in their lives through circumstances in their lives so that they can come back and repent for what they have been doing wrong. As their friends or family, however, we are still asked to pray for them. Prayer is what saves people. Prayer is the only way that we can help "save" someone without affecting their God given right to free will. Regardless, I am abashed by the people in my life that fall to the tempting roll of crutch. I loose respect when it seems that they cannot possibly be doing what Christ would want them to do for fear of the results. God is in control. What He wants to happen will happen regardless of what we want! One way or another, and often we choose the harder path, God will effect what His will is for all of our lives. He will bring us through it kicking and screaming, thinking that we know what is best, and we will be better Christians for it. I may look back, understanding now not how things could possible reflect anything less than a horrible image of Christ, and find that yes, even what appeared to be a pile of poo in the room was actually not poo but compost to use in my garden. But all I can say for now is it looks like poo, smells like poo and has flies buzzing all around it......just like poo! LOL!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A beautiful Day with beautiful music.....
Today was a busy day. To begin, I got up and ready for church by 8:20 so that I could be there by 8:30 to set up for Sunday School. Jason and I have taken on the challenge of teaching the 1-6 graders through the summer; 12 weeks of planning ahead of me! I thought for a sec a few months ago that maybe I wouldn't be lesson planning for a few months this summer! LOL Anyways, so I headed off, set up practiced with the worship team for a while then when that finished up went in and finished getting ready for the kids to arrive. Jason arrived in there somewhere with our kids that he got ready and to church by 9:25 all by himself, no easy feat let me tell you! We then proceeded to teach the kids, we had 15 on our opening day! After that and a quick breath of relief we hurried off to the service. Worship, share prayer, sermon wrap up and then a rush to get people their eggs and kids a few pages for the new prayer journals that we decided to begin as part of the Summer curric. for Sunday School. Then, home to make dinner for our first Host Ministries dinner with Bob and Mary Eytzen. The dinner turned out great (for what they all said, I didn't try it) albeit a half hour after our original ete- estimated time of eattage. We had a lovely visit with them both and I am so happy that they were able to make it over. I had hoped for a sunny day like yesterday so that we could host partly in the yard, but the weather didn't agree. The weather wins that that competition every time! It turned out nice regardless, though, and Mary even brought in her harp so that she could play us a few tunes. I played a long, kind of. Then the kids each had a turn at a mineature recitle of sorts. Cayleb on the clarinet, Charity Ann on recorder, Sarah Rose on the shaker egg and a harmonica and Noah on the piano. They all were very proud of their accompaniment and the chance to share with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary. Mary is an amazing musician. She can play ANYTHING that she touches, by EAR, without hardly a bad note! She plays the organ at church as well as the piano for special numbers here and there. She brings out her accordion for special occasions like church potlucks and BBQ's at the beach, and now the harp :) She makes me smile, and gives me a life long goal. I respect, so very much, the ability to play by ear but the equal ability to play with music. So much these days you have a musician that can do one or the other but cannot both. The present garage band craze has developed musicians that cannot support their skill with technical knowledge. I am not saying that as a generalization, because there are a lot of talented musicians that have the technical know how to back up their skills!! I just really respect the people that can do both. I also have encountered "musicians" that have the technical ability ingrained into their brains, but have no heart for improv. They can play any sheet of music you put in front of them, well, but without the ability to venture off on their own here and there, or they just plain lack the desire or courage to do it regardless. They stomp the piano keys or breathe steadily into their mouthpiece, but cannot master the beautiful tones avaliable to their instrument.
I so very much admire Mrs. Vivian and her wonderful talent as well. She is so versatile and willing to teach my kids!! What an asset she has been to my family the past several months! I also think that she is a great musician, I just wish that we had more opportunity to play together! Actually, our entire worship team at church has so much heart and ability and passion for music that I relish every time that I am able to play with them. A good group of musicians is one that you feel challenges you to better your own skills. If you feel like they are holding you back, or are smothering your ability to play what God is placing in your heart to play, it is not so enjoyable. I love that I feel challenged!!
All this spurred by getting to hear Mrs. Mary play her harp :) Thank you Mrs. Mary!! We love and hold dear all the hugs that we get to share with you both!!
I so very much admire Mrs. Vivian and her wonderful talent as well. She is so versatile and willing to teach my kids!! What an asset she has been to my family the past several months! I also think that she is a great musician, I just wish that we had more opportunity to play together! Actually, our entire worship team at church has so much heart and ability and passion for music that I relish every time that I am able to play with them. A good group of musicians is one that you feel challenges you to better your own skills. If you feel like they are holding you back, or are smothering your ability to play what God is placing in your heart to play, it is not so enjoyable. I love that I feel challenged!!
All this spurred by getting to hear Mrs. Mary play her harp :) Thank you Mrs. Mary!! We love and hold dear all the hugs that we get to share with you both!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Our Beautiful Ladies
These are our pretty ladies :) Tammy with baby Angel, and next to Charity Ann are Zolma and Abby is the one sniffing her hand.
This is Angel :) What a sweetheart!!
Me and the ladies, from Left to Right Zolma, Tammy, Abby and Angel.....
Abby, front and Zolma at the back......
There you go :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sarah Rose lost in Thought

Sarah Rose is so beautiful when she is lost in her thoughts. She is one of my quiet ones, who can sit looking very carefully at something for quite some time. I love watching her, without distracting her, imagining what she could be thinking about. I imagine that she is pondering some amazing thoughts, things that will change the world some day. She is so smart, and kind and considerate and very passionate and strong willed. She is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily and wants adults to take her seriously. She knows what she is talking about and if she says that something is true, most likely it is. Unless of course, she is creating a story or game about something or someone. She is my babiest one, my pinky-pie, my turkey. The tender golden curls that adorn her face make my heart ache of her beauty. They are not strong curls, but fragile ones, that are easily brushed out if we are not careful. We scrunch them back into place after combing her hair when it's freshly washed. Her eyes are ever changing hazel, mostly green but sometimes shades of brown and yellow. They are enchanting, causing one to gaze in wonder at their marvelous beauty and their captivating stare. God has blessed us with such amazing and beautiful children, and each have such different elements of beauty.
She has Daddy wrapped around her finger, whether he is willing to admit that or not, but not in a horrible way, just a charming old fashioned way. She likes to dance, sing and be silly, but sometimes is so serious you can hardly believe that she is only 4. She has been talking since she was one, using words way beyond her years. She dazzles me. I wait, captivated, through time, as she grows more and more each day. I can't imagine not having this little person around me each and every day, but I know that the young woman that she will grow into will amaze me even more.
I love this picture!!

I Love this picture!!
I just wanted to think about it when I saw my blog :) That's all.....
I just wanted to think about it when I saw my blog :) That's all.....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I Want To Deserve You
Like a stone tumbled
In the ocean waves,
A canyons canvass
Painted in the flood,
And a diamonds pure
Brilliance in a dark crevice,
Refine me,
Define me,
Consume me,
And use me Lord.
I am your creation
Make me ready to serve you
Make me worthy,
I want to deserve you.
Like a stars pure and
everlasting beam,
A mountains enchanting
And a childs laughter,
heard not seen.
Refine me,
Define me,
Consume me,
and use me Lord.
I am your creation,
Make me ready to serve you.
Make me worthy,
I want to deserve you.
In the ocean waves,
A canyons canvass
Painted in the flood,
And a diamonds pure
Brilliance in a dark crevice,
Refine me,
Define me,
Consume me,
And use me Lord.
I am your creation
Make me ready to serve you
Make me worthy,
I want to deserve you.
Like a stars pure and
everlasting beam,
A mountains enchanting
And a childs laughter,
heard not seen.
Refine me,
Define me,
Consume me,
and use me Lord.
I am your creation,
Make me ready to serve you.
Make me worthy,
I want to deserve you.
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