We have begun our year with the unit "Explorers, Navigation and Sailing." Pa Pa will be proud! :) Next week we will tackle ships and sailing, then we are off to learning how explorers navigate in open water with out electronics, computers or sunshine. After that we will delve into various explorers that have sailed the oceans blue and purple. After that we will dive into pioneers just in time for Fall harvests and Thanksgiving, then off to Norway for a Christmas adventure!
I am still canning, trying to fit in the peaches that are just about ripe atop our aquarium. I also have apples available when I am ready to do apple sauce. I need to harvest our carrot crop and can those, as well as the remaining beets. I am also waiting to see how much corn I will end up with because I'd really like to get several more quarts of that canned. I am also drying things this year, some veggies, but mostly fruit. The kids have been enjoying that immensely. They turn down cupcakes to mom's dried kiwis and pineapple. Jason has been enjoying them as well.
The farmers market has been a new adventure for me this summer as well. my friend Katie and I have been working together there since the first part of June and are having a lit of fun. We have been getting into character lately as pioneers selling the lovely Grace Harbor Farms Guernsey Cow Yogurt as well as Saanen Goat milk and yogurt. Our main product, however, is the MSM cream which is an all natural pain reliever/anti-inflammatory. It's a great cream that smells absolutely divine because of the particular combination of essential oils that contribute to the mixture. My whole family enjoys it's benefits, especially Sarah Rose. She LOVES for Mamma to put the cream on her after her bubble. So, anyways. All that to say that Katie and I have been having fun making costumes to wear each week.
Here is a pic of us at the farm: